Chronic Pain Counselling in Kelowna at Vantage Point Wellness

Welcome to Vantage Point Wellness, where we specialize in chronic pain counselling in Kelowna. We aim to enhance your overall quality of life by managing and reducing chronic pain through practical and compassionate care. Our services include supporting clients having difficulty coping after an accident, injury, chronic illness diagnosis, or sudden loss of function. We target chronic pain’s physical and emotional elements by combining evidence-based therapy with individualized care.

Our goal is to support you in restoring your sense of control over your circumstances to live a more meaningful and satisfying life. Please contact us and find out how our specialized approach can improve your well-being.

What is Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain is pain that lasts longer than the usual healing time, often extending beyond three to six months. Unlike acute pain, which warns of an immediate problem, chronic pain persists even after the initial cause may have healed. Pain signals are received from the body and are interpreted by our brain as pain. Often, with chronic pain, over time, our neural pain circuits become conditioned to pain signals. This conditioning process changes the way our brain operates, which is called neuroplasticity. Neuroplastic changes due to pain can result from conditions like whiplash, muscle and joint injuries, or neuropathy or occur without an apparent injury. This ongoing pain can affect your physical, emotional, and daily life. The good news is that neuroplastic changes that create chronic pain are not always permanent and can be reversed. Please see this short video to have a better understanding about chronic pain.

How Chronic Pain Counselling Works

One crucial contemporary method that has been shown to alter how your brain interprets pain is pain reprocessing therapy (PRT). Our qualified PRT practitioner has received comprehensive training from a prestigious institution, which aids in lowering the psychological and physical effects of the pain.

The Benefits of Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT)

PRT offers several advantages, including:

Rewiring your perception of pain

PRT can help rewire your brain’s pain circuits, which may lessen the intensity of your pain and change how you perceive it.

Emotional impact

It also addresses the psychological aspects of chronic pain, including depression and anxiety, resulting in a more stable emotional state.

Empowering you

PRT increases your sense of control and helps your general well-being by altering how pain is processed in the brain.

Integrating PRT with Other Pain Management Strategies

To enhance PRT’s effectiveness, we combine it with other proven methods:

How Chronic Pain Counselling Can Improve Your Quality of Life

Our specialized chronic pain counselling in Kelowna can improve your life by:

Getting Started with Chronic Pain Counselling

Vantage Point Wellness can assist you if living with chronic pain interferes with your life. Our professional chronic pain counselling in Kelowna is intended to help you live a better, more pain-free life. We also offer ICBC counselling to support clients navigating pain resulting from motor vehicle accidents.

Visit or call us now to arrange a consultation and learn how our services may enhance your life. Our goal is to assist you in finding relief and improving your health.

How to know if the PRT approach will work?

While we will never guarantee successful outcomes, just like with any treatment or counselling approach, there are some pain conditions that are more suitable for PRT. Answer these questions to see if you’re a candidate for PRT.

  1. Have you ever been diagnosed with neuroplastic or idiopathic chronic pain, even if you’ve also received other diagnoses?
  2. Have you had multiple imaging studies (e.g., MRI, CT scans) and despite coming back as abnormal, your healthcare providers remain stumped on the cause or origin of your pain?
  3. Have you been treated by a Pain specialist, received injections, nerve blocks, or other interventions that have had limited results in alleviating your pain?
  4. Do other physical treatment modalities only relieve the pain temporarily (i.e., physiotherapy, chiropractor, massage therapy, etc.)?
  5. Have you been told that your injuries have healed, but you still experience ongoing pain?
  6. Have other providers told you that you’ve reached a “plateau,” “maximum medical improvement,” or “maintenance treatments”?
  7. Do you have pain “flare-ups,” or does your pain increase after a specific activity, certain movements, or during times of heightened stress?
  8. Have you tried all the treatment recommendations to address your chronic pain and are open to the possibility that your pain may be, at least in part, caused by faulty pain pathways in your brain?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may benefit from working with a counsellor certified in PRT. Ask your doctor today if you have neuroplastic chronic pain or contact us for a free consultation or book online today!